The police colonel who beat a citizen in Bosa is removed from office

2022-06-03 21:37:33 By : Ms. Cathy .

The National Police made decisions regarding a colonel and station commander of the institution in the town of Bosa, who attacked two young citizens in a procedure in a night establishment on March 12.As reported by the commander of the Bogotá Metropolitan Police Jorge Eliécer Camacho, the aforementioned uniformed man was removed from his position while the investigation is carried out to determine how the events occurred and the responsibilities of concluding an abuse of authority.“Referring to a video that circulates on networks about an alleged police abuse in the town of Bosa after a police procedure, the National Police is allowed to inform that the person who is seen attacking a citizen in the video will be removed from his position. , immediately, so that the general inspection of the National Police can carry out the corresponding investigative work and also make a decision in the event that these events have occurred,” said General Camacho.He also announced that all decisions will be announced to the public because "the National Police is not going to allow any official in the institution to affect the image of the institution," as happened with this new case of aggression.The elected senator and current representative Inti Asprilla, who supported the citizen complaint of those affected, celebrated the decision."The Colonel of Bosa who hits young people without any justification, and who we helped to denounce yesterday has been suspended, we will continue to monitor what is happening in this town," he wrote.The same was done by the councilman of Bogotá, Diego Cancino, who has overseen the actions of the Police.“Commander Eliécer Camacho has reported that the colonel has been suspended.Good!There was no other way.Hopefully there will be an exemplary sanction for that colonel, "said the lobbyist.On March 14, a complaint of police abuse that would have occurred two days earlier in the town of Bosa was known through social networks.A security camera captured the moment when, in the middle of a procedure, one of the uniformed officers from the rank of colonel dealt several blows to a young man who was in front of the place where the operation was taking place.The procedure took place in a bar known as “Dubai”, which was apparently not complying with the dry law measure that had been established in the city for the holding of the legislative elections the following day, on Sunday, March 13.The DJ of the establishment, a young man, was with two women outside the bar with several uniformed men while smoking a cigarette and talking, it is seen in the images.The two citizens left the place at the request of the policeman, and immediately afterwards, it is observed how he deals a blow to the face of the attacked when he was unaware.The young man, surprised, tries to react but receives another blow to his face.One of the women intervenes again to separate them and the other uniformed men do nothing to stop their partner's aggression.The camera captured that two other uniformed men forcibly removed another young man who was recording that procedure with his cell phone: while one approached him from behind and removed him from the site, another threw several blows, apparently at the boy's legs.The complainants affirm that the policemen attacked those who tried to record the abuses, as seen in the images the colonel tried to take the cell phone from one of the young people.Likewise, they affirm that they would have taken a woman's cell phone minutes before it was captured by the establishment's security camera.